Tacoma Walkthrough With Ending

A complete video walkthrough of Tacoma.

Fullbright Entertainment’s newest game is Tacoma, an adventure game that they have just released for PCs running Windows, macOS X, and Linux, as well as for Xbox One, one that tasks you with making your way through what seems to be an abandoned space station. We’ve seen the game for quite a while now- and now we get to play it at last.

Given that it’s an adventure game, progress through the game is actually not that difficult. But maybe you get stuck and need help (there is no shame in that). Or maybe you just want to see a full fledged playthrough of the game. No matter why you are here, we’re here to help. The video below is a full fledged video walkthrough of Tacoma, with the ending, too.

Now, naturally, that means it has spoilers. Which, in turn, means you need to be careful to not skip ahead of where you are in the game- or be okay with getting spoiled. We good? Okay, let’s go.

fullbright entertainmentpcTacomatacoma endingtacoma walkthroughXbox One