Tales of Xillia Coming to West This Summer, Tales of Graces f Arrives for PSN on March 26th

Two major Tales games, one singular waiting period. Science!

Namco Bandai’s “Tales of” producer Hideo Baba has recently announced that the Western release for the hotly anticipated Tales of Xillia will be arriving this Summer exclusively on PS3. But that’s not all – the developer will also be releasing Tales of Graces f for PSN on March 26h.

Tales of Graces f will come in two versions: Standard Edition and Knight Edition. The latter includes +10 DLC items for tipping the quest in your favour, which includes increased states, healty and money.

Tales of Xillia, however, will allow for choosing either a male or female protagonist and promises two completely different perspectives to the gameplay. Baba states that he’s looking forward to Western fans trying the game out. Considering the response it received in Japan (can you say “hit”?), we’d say Baba has little to worry about in regards to response.

Tales of Graces f was actually released last year on PS3, and is a port of the original game for the Wii. The digital release will offer new players a chance to experience the title as they wait for Xillia.

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