Team Ico Collection is ‘overwhelming’

Fumito Ueda, Lead Designer of Team Ico, creators of masterpieces such as Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, and the upcoming The Last Guardian, has said that both his games in 3D look ‘overwhelming.’

Just  HD in the upcoming re-release of both his aforementioned games “brings a lot of life” to them, according to him. In an interview with the EU PlayStation Blog, he said that the 3D visuals add “even more ‘juice'” to the games.

“I’d first like to clarify that 3D is not essential to enjoy these experience – the HD element in itself brings a lot of life to the games. However, 3D will bring even more,” he said. “Both ICO and Shadow of the Colossus were designed with a huge depth of field in mind, demonstrated through the vast landscapes. Although 3D technology wasn’t at the point that it is now, it was certainly something we considered. Now that the technology allows it, it gives the product even more ‘juice’ so to speak.”

“I’ve already experienced this throughout the trial build and was overwhelmed with the results. That’s how much the 3D element brings to the title,” he concluded.

Wow. I’m sold. These games were already very good, not they just look even better.

3dHDIcops3Shadow of the ColossussotcTeam ICOteam ico collectionThe Last Guardian