Tech Start-Up Absentia Claims To Deliver A Better VR Experience Than PlayStation VR And Oculus Rift

Tesseract solves the problem of "insufficient content" on VR.

Tesseract VR headsetTesseract VR headset

GamingBolt recently caught up with Absentia, a team of talented developers behind the Tesseract VR headset. Given that the market is slowly but surely getting over saturated with VR headsets from different manufactures across the world, what makes Tesseract different from the rest?

“We own four US patents for this technology. Our technology is far more different, efficient and promising than any other VR HMVs, even better than the biggies such as the PlayStation VR or anyone. Our head tracking tech is smooth as butter. Instead of one IMUs we use two, working in parallel at a high level of over clocking but we never put any kind of pressure on the GPU so this is why you can experience this on very low end PCs,” Shubham Mishra founder of Absentia said to GamingBolt.

“This has no bounding towards the CPU/GPU and I can play this on my Sony VAIO, so no bounding at all. This tech allows you to play any game out there such as The Witcher 3 or any game that will be released in the future. Anything that can be displayed on your PC can be used with this tech. Our own depth marking algorithms based on shading and textures convert the whole thing into 3D in a split side by side view. Everything is customizable right from the aspect ratio to the field of view…just about everything. The software amazingly supports 110fps but there is a hardware limitation of 90fps.”

Shubham believes that the main problem with any VR tech [such as Oculus or PlayStation VR] out there is the lack of content but with Tesseract, there is no such dependency since the tech adapts itself based on existing content. So unlike the PlayStation VR or Oculus Rift, content does not need to be developed for the headset. “The main problem with any HMVs is content. You can’t rely on people outside to develop content…you can’t push people to a higher extent to develop games for your platform. So what if I give you every game out there and what will do you do? You will try out every game.”

The development team also have plans for supporting PS4 and Xbox One but they are not ready yet.

“Yes, we have support for consoles as well. We have a separate hardware that attaches to the headset. We are not releasing it right now but we will do it in the next six months for the PS4 and Xbox One. However there is a slight technical problem with these consoles since their fps are low but we are still testing it out.”

It will be interesting to see how this pans out for Absentia in the coming months. These are obviously big claims and the gadget will require a heavy amount of marketing before it actually creates any sort of impact. Stay tuned for our full interview with Absentia in the coming days.

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