Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Sells 840,000 Units

Meanwhile, SoulCalibur V crosses the million mark.

Looks like the king still has some life left.

Namco Bandai has announced that their latest fighting game opus, the sequel to the Playstation 2 fighter, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has sold 840,000 units. Even more interestingly, this was from September 11th to 30th, which was the end of the company’s second fiscal quarter. That is to say, the game averaged that much in less than 3 weeks. Not too bad, considering the constant deluge of fighting games, and the fact that the game received good (but not spectacular) critical response.

On the other side of the fighting game pond, Namco Bandai also reported that SoulCalibur V has a total 1,380,000 units sold since release while Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations has hit 1,010,000 units. Again, this is only by the end of Namco Bandai’s second fiscal quarter.

These are some pretty solid numbers and should help fuel the company’s fighting game train for many more sequels to come. Now let’s see how Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 sells.

Source: Siliconera

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