The 3DS is “below our minimum specifications,” says Epic

Mark Rein of Epic Games believes Nintendo’s upcoming handheld system, the 3DS, is below their “minimum specifications” for the Unreal Engine and that visuals as good as seen in the iPhone’s Epic Citadel wouldn’t be possible on a system like the 3DS.

“It’s below our minimum specifications, from what we can tell. We don’t have a 3DS, so there’s no way for us to verify that, but everything we’ve been led to believe is that it’s below our min-spec,” Rein said while talking to Joystiq. “You couldn’t do a game that looks like Epic Citadel on it, for example.”

He also said Epic Games has no plans (currently) while working on the 3DS. “Like I said, we really don’t know enough about it to make a formal comment, but I think if they considered that our engine would be good on it, they would have probably talked to us about it.”
