The ambitious Dark Pictures Anthology continues on this month with Little Hope. Just in time for Halloween, Bandai Namco and Supermassive Games are releasing the second game in the series, this time following new cast as they find themselves trapped in the strange town of Little Hope. Today we received a launcher trailer to celebrate the release.
The trailer, which you can check out below, shows some parts of the game, including the choice system that’s helped define these titles. Something a little unique is they also highlight how the game can be played multiplayer with a pair of streamers as they argue about what to do as well as get shocked by events they trigger. Man of Medan, the first game in the franchise, managed to sell over 1 million copies with a lot of its appeal coming from its quasi-multiplayer and watching people react.
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope is available as of today for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.