The Darkness Is Not Your Ally In SOE’s Upcoming H1Z1

Alone in the dark.

Sony Online Entertainment’s upcoming zombie MMO action game, H1Z1, is incredibly ambitious, and its dynamic AI seems to hint at a sort of emergent style of gameplay, a crossover between DayZ and Minecraft. The more we learn about it, the more intrigued I become- it certainly sounds like an interesting title, but it also often sounds almost too good to be true.

Anyway, the latest snippet of information falls in that category of the game promising a new style of play- notably, Sony Online Entertainment seems to have promised that if you were planning on hiding from the zombies in the dark in the game, you can very well forget it. The zombies will sense your presence, and move towards you, even if you can’t see them, because they can certainly still sense you.

They also released a new screenshot (above, click on it to see it in full resolution), to go along with this information.

So what do you think? Hype intensifying? Or too good to be true? Let us know in the comments!


h1z1pcSony Online Entertainment