The Drowining For iOS Released Today

A new FPS for iOS devices.

The Drowning, and first person shooter game for iOS devices, was released onto the Apple App store today by developers, DeNA. Ben Cousins, the lead developer on The Drowning is a FPS vet, with work on games such as Battlefield 1943, Command and Conquer Tiberium, Alliances, and battlefield Online under his belt. According to Cousins, DeNA wants the game to be console quality in every way, but still bring it’s own unique gaming interface to the table.

He was quoted, “I would emphasize caution about the idea that what we’re trying to do or what we should try to do is replicate the experience of the PC or console shooter, because I don’t think we can ever do that in the same way that a console shooter can’t ever replicate the feeling of playing a light gun arcade game like House of the Dead. They’re completely different experiences. What we’re about doing is creating a game which is in the first person, where you are shooting things, you’re able to freely move around the environment, so it ticks a lot of the boxes of a PC and console shooter, but it doesn’t try to replicate it.”

With this in mind, Cousins has taken special care in leading the design of a unique touch screen-oriented control system. However, as many gamers are used to the console-emulatory virtual stick controle system, The Drowning will have a toggle-able option of reverting to the more classic controls.

Via: Polygon
