The Elder Scrolls Online is Now Officially Free to Play

The 'Tamriel Unlimited' update goes live.

It was widely expected, so it didn’t come as a surprise to anyone when ZeniMax Online announced a few months ago that their ambitious Elder Scrolls themed MMORPG, The Elder Scrolls Online, would be going free to play. And today, that day has finally come, as the ‘Tamriel Unlimited’ update has finally gone live for the game on PC and Mac, meaning all of Tamriel is now explorable in conjunction with countless other warriors- for free.

To be clear, the entire original game and all six major content updates since launch – including the new Justice and Champion Systems  – has been made free to play, and every single account ever made has been upgraded to free to play status. Considering that The Elder Scrolls Online was never a bad MMO, only one hampered by some poor monetization strategies, hopefully this prompts more people to give the game an honest shot.

You can play the game on Windows PCs, Mac, as well as Xbox One and PlayStation 4 when it launches for them later this year (hopefully).

BethesdaMacmmorpgpcthe elder scrolls onlineZenimax Online