The Evil Within 2 Gameplay Trailer Contains Your Worst Nightmares

And a few extra to boot.

Tango Gameworks’ The Evil Within 2 was one of the big highlights from Bethesda’s E3 2017 conference and it sees Sebastian Castellanos returning to find his daughter. Though the cinematic trailer offered plenty of story scenes, a new gameplay trailer has emerged that showcases even more of the horrors that await.

Along with the standard Mama-esque jumpscape in the beginning, we see over-sized eyes in the sky, monstrous beings that travel on all fours to hunt you, brick walls that give way to your appearance and much more. The game looks better than the first, possibly indicating that it’s running on id Tech 6. Bethesda didn’t confirm as much however.

The Evil Within 2 launches on October 13th (which is appropriately Friday the 13th) on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. What are your thoughts on the gameplay trailer below? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned for more coverage from E3 2017.

bethesda softworksE3 2017pcps4Tango Gameworksthe evil within 2Xbox One