The Last Guardian Likely Would Have Been Canceled Without Fans’ Continued Interest

Sony knows it has to deliver at this point.

While there was nothing but excitement when Sony announced that the Last Guardian is coming to the PS4, next year, there were plenty of rumblings the company had given up on the game before this year’s E3. It turns out that those rumors were pretty close to the truth. The number of problems that plagued a game originally intended for the PS3 were enough that Sony really did want to scrap it, but didn’t because of the intense fan interest in the game.

Shuhei Yoshida recently spoke to EDGE magazine and spilled the beans about just how close Sony was to calling it a day with The Last Guardian. One of the bigger questions was just how much time the team wanted to spend porting what they had from the PS3 to the PS4. “Tech issues aside, the game was still early in development, so we had to have a really strong desire to continue the project and rebuild on PS4. And of course we believed in the vision of Ueda-san, and Ueda-san and the core teams really wanted to see this realised, and so did I. Having so many people asking us about the game was great encouragement for us to continue the development.” Yoshida said.

The game, which was first revealed back in 2009 and Yoshida was specifically asked whether Sony could have cancelled the game. He responded that they probably would have cancelled development if there hadn’t been so many people asking about it. Now the Last Guardian will come exclusively for the PS4 next year.

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