The Outlast Trials Announced, Set In Cold War Era

The next entry in the horror series goes cold.

Outlast became something of a streaming hit when the game first came out. The jump scare heavy title was a favorite of gaming streamers at a time when the format was still fresh. Since then they’ve had a major DLC expansion and a sequel, each exploring different sides of the world. Now, they’re taking a step back, way back, to the Cold War era for their next time.

The Outlast Trials was just announced via developer Red Barrels official Twitter along with a new concept art that shows three people with night vision goggles in distress. It reveals the new setting for the game, as well as says that you or a partner can now brave the terrors you’ll face. The games up to this point had focused on a sole protagonist against unbeatable foes in hide and seek based gameplay, so it’ll be interesting to see how the co-op aspect is handled.

No time frame or platforms are given for when to expect The Outlast Trials, though presumably it at least will come for most of the modern consoles. We’ll learn more as time goes on, and we’ll keep you updated.

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