The Pillars of The Earth Book 1: From The Ashes Walkthrough With Ending

A complete video walkthrough of The Pillars of The Earth Book 1: From The Ashes.

Based on Ken Follet’s bestselling book, The Pillars of Earth: Book 1: From The Ashes is the first in a multi-part adaptation of his sprawling epic. The idea here is to hew really close to the source story, while also expanding it and letting players have agency over it- thus, you will get the chance to not only play through events as they transpired in the book, but also to change how things turned out by acting and choosing differently.

It’s a great idea for an adaptation of a beloved book, and makes for an intriguing game. If you find yourself ever at a loss in the game because of a choice you have to make, or you simply want to watch a playthrough of the title, you have come to the right place. This walkthrough will basically take you through The Pillars of The Earth Book 1: From The Ashes from start to finish. Remember, though- it will have spoilers. You have been warned.

daedalic entertainmentpcThe Pillars of The Earth Book 1: From The AshesThe Pillars of The Earth Book 1: From The Ashes endingThe Pillars of The Earth Book 1: From The Ashes walkthrough