The Walking Dead: The Final Season – Episode 2 Walkthrough With Ending

A complete video walkthrough for The Walking Dead: The Final Season – Episode 2: Suffer the Children.

The Walking Dead The Final SeasonThe Walking Dead The Final Season

The Walking Dead: The Final Season – Episode 2, the second of four planned episodes in Telltale’s planned final season in their signature, breakout graphic adventure series, is now available. Whether or not the series concludes from here on out is anybody’s guess, given the whole uncertainty surrounding the fate of Telltale, and the final two episodes- but for now, this episode is out, and you can play it.

Maybe you want to see if you have made the right choice, or maybe you just want to see how other choices, other than the ones you made, play out. Maybe the whole Telltale situation has you wary, and you don’t want to commit to spending money on a game that might not get concluded, and just want to see a playthrough. The video walkthrough below will help you out, no matter which situation you are in. Just, the trouble is- remember, it has spoilers. In this case, they may be spoilers for a story that never gets concluded.

nintendo switchpcps4Telltale GamesThe Walking Dead: The Final Season – Episode 2: Suffer the ChildrenThe Walking Dead: The Final Season – Episode 2: Suffer the Children endingThe Walking Dead: The Final Season – Episode 2: Suffer the Children walkthroughXbox One