The Wonderful 101: Remastered Breaks Another Stretch Goal And Adds One More

Both goals are related to the soundtrack.

Ever since the crowdfunding page went live for the remaster of The Wonderful 101, fans have been uniting up behind the cause. Despite having an initial goal of only $49,312, the donations have soared passed that. They had previously broken five different stretch goals since beginning, and now the sixth one has fallen, with one more added for good measure.

The game has now gathered a staggering $1,779,192 as of right now, and that blows passed the latest stretch goal which would see a remixed soundtrack and promises a “secret” guest. The next goal is $2 million and includes another side-scrolling side adventure. Now, they’ve added one more at the $2.25 million mark that will include Orchestral Recordings of “The Won-Stoppable Wonderful 100” and “Tables Turn” tracks.

As of writing this, the Kickstarter has 8 days to go. Generally, projects tend to get nice little kick near the end, so both of those goals are within reach even if the Orchestrated Recordings one will probably be by the skin of its teeth. The game will release to the general public in May, with the Kickstarter saying backers get it in April. Fingers crossed it’ll come with as many bonuses as possible when we cross the finish line.

nighthawk interactivenintendo switchpcPlatinumGamesps4The Wonderful 101: Remastered