The World of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Is Surprisingly Huge

DICE gives an idea as to the overall size of the City of Glass.

DICE’s Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is big game, a fact which became clear in the recent closed beta. It was a given that the beta only represented a small portion of the total city but the developer hasn’t really clarified just how much could be explored until now.

Posted on the official Mirror’s Edge twitter, the developer revealed a 3D map for the Anchor District. The map itself provides a bird’s eye view of the various landmarks.

DICE then clarified that, “The whole city will be explorable. Today we’ve only shown you the Anchor district, but more will follow.”

With regards to the size of the overall city, DICE said, “It’s huge. And we’ll show you more in the coming weeks. Excited?”

The key word is “explorable”. While the entire city may not exactly be rife with story content, there are collectibles, side missions, races and much more that players could indulge. Couple this with the ability for players to create different racing routes and you’ve got a veritable digital playground.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is out on June 7th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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