This Is What A Massive 2800 Player Battle Looks Like In Eve Online

This is simply amazing.

We came across some amazing images which depict a massive 2500 player battle in CCP Games’ Eve Online. This is what it apparently looks like. Stunning, right?

About Eve Online:

CCP is the world’s most successful independent developer of massively multiplayer games, and has been praised for its artistry, game design and unique player-driven, infinitely scalable storytelling narratives.

CCP is the creator of the critically acclaimed science-fiction game EVE Online, which is celebrating its unprecedented tenth consecutive year of subscriber growth. EVE Online is a massively multiplayer science-fiction universe in which hundreds of thousands of players carve out empires through galactic fleet battles and the use of economic warfare.

CCP are also working on a PlayStation 3 exclusive, Dust 514 which will connect to the main Eve Online universe. The beta was kicked off recently.

What do you guys think of this awesomeness? Let us know in the comments section below.

Via Reddit.

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