This Is What a PS1 Version of The Last of Us Would Look Like

In case you were wondering.

Naughty Dog started strong with their Crash Bandicoot games on the original PlayStation, but they reached the zenith of their creativity and talent on the PlayStation 3, with their Uncharted series of games, and especially, The Last of Us.

However, that hasn’t stopped fans from speculating what a PlayStation 1 version of their hit magnum opus, The Last of Us (presently scheduled for a graphically enhanced re-release on the PlayStation 4) would look like. Fans of the studio on NeoGAF started doctoring pictures of the game to make ‘demakes’, as in, purported screenshots of what the game would look like if it was on the PlayStation One.

(Hint: it would look eye bleedingly ugly, like most PlayStation games did. It was the first generation of polygonal 3D gaming, and graphics were simply not good enough to do justice to the kind of game The Last of Us is. Thankfully, Naughty Dog’s exemplary art style shines through, and even though the game looks technically shabby, it still looks good as a PSOne demake).

Naughty DogPS1ps3ps4the last of us