This Is Why Rock Band 4 Is More Expensive on Xbox One Than PS4

Well, that just sucks.

Rock Band 4 is almost here, and on the PS4, it will be launching for the standard retail price of $60, that all AAA games command. On the Xbox One, however, Rock Band 4 will be much, much more expensive- the game will cost $80, which is a full $20 more expensive than the PS4 version.

The reason for this is simple- the Xbox One version of the game requires a ‘Legacy Game Controller’ adaptor, according to Gamespot, which is necessary for using all your old Xbox 360 Rock Band controllers with Rock Band 4 on the Xbox One. No such adaptor is necessary for the PS4, where all of your instruments will function straight with Rock Band 4 on the PS4 right out of the box.

If you are having any confusion about which of your stuff will and will not work with Rock Band 4, you can just check out the handy chart that Harmonix released for yourself below, and see if you’re in the clear.

Rock Band 4 launches on the Xbox One and PS4 this October.

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