Titanfall 2 Campaign Inspired by Valve Games, Titan/Pilot Combat Ratio Discussed

Respawn's Mackey McCandlish talks single-player design for the sequel.

Some new single-player footage for Titanfall 2 emerged today and showcased some rather interesting elements of the campaign including dialogue options, different Titans and various levels that players will traverse during combat.

Single-player lead designer at Respawn Mackey McCandlish spoke to Games Beat about the same and how Titanfall 2 aims to avoid the typical Call of Duty style campaign. “We’re inspired by a lot of different games. We have a lot of tastes across the studio. The design team has been inspired by the Valve games for a long time. We always looked for ways to bring a sense of pacing to our games.

“With this one, while there’s still a military aspect to the game, the focus of the story is on the relationship between the pilot and his Titan. That precludes having so many characters around you, distracting you from that story.

“The motion model, with the freedom it brings — for us to stay true to that motion model required us to loosen up the restraints a bit. A lot of work went into figuring out how to translate that motion model into a campaign context.”

Noting that there seemed to be more Pilot combat compared to Titan battles, McCandlish responded that overall “it varies mission to mission. There are certain general ratios we were going for, but it plays out very differently from one level to the next.” Don’t expect every battle to have as much on-foot combat and vice versa basically.

Titanfall 2 is out on October 28th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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