Titanfall 2 Dev Posts Image of PS4 Disc, Xbox One Fans React And Hilarity Ensues

Everyone, chill- the game is still coming to your platform of choice!

Man, fanboys are an angry bunch. They get especially angry when they think that another console or company is stealing what they think are ‘their’ games. Some of the best meltdowns in gaming history came when titles like Final Fantasy 7, Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy 13, Monster Hunter 3, Bayonetta 2, Devil May Cry 4, and other games like it, were announced for platforms other than what may have been expected.

Sometimes, even a game going multiplatform where its predecessor may have been exclusive generates resentment. And that is what is happening with the upcoming Titanfall 2, a sequel to a game that was originally exclusive to Xbox and PC. When developer for Titanfall 2 posted an image of a PS4 disc for the game, and also quipped ‘green discs aren’t as sexy looking,’ Xbox fans on Twitter lost their shit– many of them noted that they were cancelling their pre-order for Titanfall 2, that Respawn were not respecting the fanbase that had made the first game so big to begin with, that since Respawn hated the color green so much, they might as well get used to not seeing the green of money, and so on.

It was honestly a bit hilarious, and a bit sad, both at once. Fanboys make such a big deal out of nothing- it’s not even like Titanfall 2 isn’t coming to Xbox One, because it is. A developer choosing to post a picture of the PS4 version of the game on his personal account doesn’t change that- neither do said developer’s personal views on the matter.

Titanfall 2 is slated to release later this month on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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