It’s a bit weird, when you consider that the original Titanfall was a multiplayer only game, with no single player component, let alone a campaign, but EA and Respawn are really pushing the single player campaign for Titanfall 2. They’ve already shared their reasons for doing so- they feel that the single player campaign will be the ultimate realization of Titanfall, at least mechanically speaking.
But it’s still a bit jarring to see so much emphasis placed on the single player nonetheless. Take this new trailer, for instance. It’s all about showing off the campaign and the story. New gameplay footage from the campaign is shown off in this footage, and it looks like the single player will mix both, high stakes setpiece moments to deliver the thrills, as well as low key, more introspective moments, that give the higher stakes meaning.
I do know that the multiplayer tests of Titanfall 2 weren’t necessarily received well- so who knows, maybe people won’t like the multiplayer mode in the new game. But maybe, just maybe, Respawn can at least land a win with the single player mode this time around. If they do that, they may even manage to win new fans and converts.