Titanfall 2 Release Date “Locked In A Long Time Ago”

And there was no changing it according to Respawn.

Among the two big shooters releasing this Holiday season, namely Battlefield 1 and the upcoming Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, is Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall 2 caught in the middle. Initial sales are a little concerning – first week sales in the UK weren’t as good as the original game, even though the sequel was on sale near the end of the week.

If the release date was thought to be a problem, then it wasn’t something that Respawn thought of changing at the last moment. According to producer Drew McCoy in conversation with PlayStation Lifestyle about the release date, “I actually don’t know where the decision came from. I just know it was locked in a long time ago and there was no changing it.”

However, McCoy further added that, “I’m not really worried about it. We tried not to [worry] really. “When you care about what other games are doing, when they’re releasing, [you worry]. At the end of the day, we’re releasing a game that we’re happy with, and we enjoy playing, that we’re proud of. As long as we’re doing that, I think we’re gonna find an audience. It doesn’t really matter when it comes out. A good game gets noticed.”

What are your thoughts on Titanfall 2 thus far? Let us know in the comments below.

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