Titanfall Deluxe Edition Announced for PC and Xbox One, Includes All DLC

PC version currently available on Origin; Xbox One version out on November 25th.

Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall is receiving a Deluxe Edition on November 25th which will include the base game and all previously released map packs – Expedition, Frontier’s Edge and IMC Rising – for a total of nine extra maps. That’s not including all the content added via the updates including the Black Market where you can purchase Burn Card packs, Daily Challenges, the Horde-like Frontier Defense mode and other upcoming additional modes.

The Deluxe Edition can be purchased right now for PC via Origin at $40. The Xbox One version will be available on November 25th for $50 via Xbox Live. As of now, there’s been no announcement as to whether there will be physical copies of the same (though given EA’s stance on physical copies of Origin games, it seems unlikely). Will it be available on the Xbox 360? That remains to be seen.

Titanfall has had a fond measure of success since its release in March and while player numbers are no where near what they used to be, the game still has a loyal following worldwide. What are your thoughts on the Deluxe Edition? Let us know below.

Deluxe EditionEApcrespawn entertainmentTitanFallXbox One