Titanfall: Respawn Looking Into Making Origin Friends Visible, Performance Patches Incoming

Performance fixes will arrive with client patches in the coming weeks, according to Respawn.

Respawn Entertainment recently released a patch for Titanfall that introduced several changes but as is usually the case with a rabid fan base, there will always be demands for more changes.

Some of the changes that appear to actually be incoming include the option to showcase your Origin friends in-game. Respawn stated on its official forums that it was “looking into” implementing this feature. It would certainly help players who are familiar with each other’s tactics to better coordinate with each other.

As for upcoming performance patches, Respawn clarified that the recent patch “was a server patch. Most performance stuff will be coming in client patches.”

Thoughts on the current version of Titanfall, especially with the Smart Pistol’s damage and accuracy debuffs, reduced risk from Deadman’s Trigger explosives, etc? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below – and yes, that includes complaints about reduced points for holding points in Hardpoint Domination.

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