Top 10 Upcoming Games of January 2020

The year starts off strong with some highly anticipated releases.

2019 was fun but it’s time to repeat the cycle once more. January 2020 marks the start of another year of gaming, with hotly anticipated releases which hopefully live up to the hype, and exciting developments like the next generation of consoles. But what do you have to look forward to in the first month of the new year? Let’s take a look at 10 big games of January 2020.

Journey to the Savage Planet

Journey to the Savage PlanetJourney to the Savage Planet

Typhoon Studios’ Journey to the Savage Planet is a quirky first person adventure with co-op support which sees you traveling to AR-Y 26 to see if it’s fit for humanity. Along with cataloging the different creatures, you’ll craft upgrades, traverse four unique biomes and discover if you’re truly the first one to settle here. Journey to the Savage Planet is out on January 28th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners

The Walking Dead Saints and SinnersThe Walking Dead Saints and Sinners

The Walking Dead hasn’t had many good titles outside of Telltale Games’ adventures but Saints and Sinners could be different. It’s for VR platforms and features a new story set in New Orleans where players contend with all kinds of threats. Scavenging for supplies is a necessity but you’ll also have to take down hordes of the undead, whether it’s through stealth or firepower. You can take missions from factions or kill everyone, human and undead alike. It’s intriguing, if nothing else – we’ll see how it plays on January 23rd 2020.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore (Switch)


A supernatural threat in modern Tokyo is pretty much a given in the Shin Megami Tensei series (especially Persona). But Fire Emblem warriors manifesting as spirit-esque Mirages that teens can use in dance performances to eliminate foes? That’s pretty far out there but Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore makes it work. Originally released for the Wii U, the Switch port promises more party members, new songs, additional story content and much more. It’s out on January 17th 2020 so if you’re looking to start the year with an excellent RPG, this is definitely worth a look.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

Tokyo Mirage Sessions isn’t the only RPG releasing on January 17th though. CyberConnect2’s Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will also be available worldwide on the same day for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. It’s an action RPG which means plenty of fast-paced, beat ’em up action. This isn’t a simple adaptation of a few story arcs though. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot replicates the entire saga of the Z Fighters from Raditz’s arrival to the battle with Majin Buu while adding training mechanics, quests and yes, Dragon Ball collecting. And who can say no to playing as Super Saiyan 3 Goku or Super Saiyan Vegito?

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PC)

The wait has been long but finally, Monster Hunter World players on PC will get their hands on Iceborne. Out on January 9th, Iceborne adds Master Rank quests, armor and weapons; new mechanics like the Clutch Claw; and heaps of new monsters to battle (not counting all the post-launch monsters that are also coming). If you’ve been starving for new Monster Hunter World content on PC, don’t worry – this will keep you busy for a good long while.

AO Tennis 2

Good tennis games are hard to come by but AO Tennis 2 might be worth checking out. It’s developed by Big Ant Studios of Don Bradman Cricket and Rugby League fame. Famous players like Rafael Nadal and Angelique Kerber are in, and a substantial career mode is promised for solo and doubles players. You can even create challenges with the scenario editor or your own courts and players. AO Tennis 2 releases on January 9th 2020 for PC, Xbox One and PS4 worldwide.

Moons of Madness (PS4, Xbox One)

After haunting PC users, the trippy cosmic horror title Moons of Madness comes to PS4 and Xbox One on January 21st. Taking place from the first person perspective, it sees an engineer on a station that’s falling apart. And that’s before the hallucinations start. It might not be for everyone but for horror fans that want some Lovecraftian terror in space, Moons of Madness might be worth a look.

Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Ultimate Edition (PS4, Xbox One)

Obsidian’s critically acclaimed CRPG sequel is finally coming to Xbox One and PS4 on January 28th. Along with offering the base game with all of its updates (including a turn-based combat option), the Ultimate Edition includes all of the paid DLC. Overall, there’s a great game to explore with lots of interesting characters, naval combat, tons of customization and class choices, and whatnot to keep you busy for a few hundred hours or so.

Kingdom Hearts 3: ReMind (PS4)

Launching for the PS4 on January 23rd (Xbox One gets it in February), Kingdom Hearts 3: ReMind will retail for $29.99. It includes new bosses, including secrets ones; returning characters like Squall, Aerith and Yuffie from the Final Fantasy series; and the ability to play as Riku, Kairi, Sora and Aqua during certain segments. The story sees Sora attempting to save Kairi by exploring the hearts of the Seven Guardians of Light (whatever that means). If that sounds worth your while – or you just need more Kingdom Hearts in your life – then ReMind is for you.

Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD (Switch)

If you ever stopped and wondered whether Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath would be something you need on your Switch, then good news: It’s coming to Switch. Unorthodox art-style and narrative aside, the game’s main claim to fame is using living ammo for your crossbow. Bees can be used as small shots; Boombats serve as rockets; and so on. Highly praised at launch, it might be worth experiencing when the Switch version releases on January 23rd.

AO Tennis 2Dragon Ball Z: KakarotJourney to the Savage PlanetKingdom Hearts 3 ReMindMonster Hunter World: IceborneMoons of Madnessnintendo switchOddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HDpcPillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Ultimate Editionps4The Walking Dead: Saints and SinnersTokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE EncoreXbox One