Toys R Us Coupon Loop Hole Inadvertently Slashes Xbox One Prices By $45

This could be a plus for Microsoft.

Outraged at the price difference between the Xbox One and the PS4? No problem, just head on over to Toys R Us, buy a one dollar plastic Xia Xia Shell, and receive 10% off your next purchase, which can be applied to anything in the store.

Now that the cat’s out of the bag, so to speak, gamers would be foolish not to head over to Toys R Us when console season rolls ‘round. Also, why wouldn’t you want to go to Toys R Us anyway? That place rules. Toys everywhere. While admittedly their game library is often lacking, they make up for it with a killer attitude, celebrating pure, unadulterated fun ad play at all times.

As of now the PS4 price is set at $399.99, a full $100 cheaper than the Xbox One. Microsoft claims that the inclusion of the ‘vital’ Kinect sensor in the console warrants the high price point.

Odds are that this loophole will ultimately wind up being a plus for Microsoft, increasing their overall sales by allowing the user base to feel as though they’re pulling a fast one on the bad guy. In the end, what Microsoft really needs is for people to simply get their hands on an Xbox One and see what it’s really capable of so that the stigma can be broken.

Source: CVG

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