Twitch Says That Microsoft Had The Most Popular E3 Conference This Year

Numbers don't lie.

While people on forums and enthusiast game websites will tell you that Sony won E3, it appears the mainstream thinks otherwise. After reports that Microsoft led in mindshare following the conclusion of the expo, it appears that another analysis has cropped up, which indicates that Microsoft had the most popular showing at E3- at least at the time.

Twitch revealed that the most popular press conferences being streamed from its site – the biggest host for streaming anything gaming related – was Microsoft’s E3 press conference, where viewership peaked at 840,000 viewers. Neither Sony nor Nintendo managed this kind of a showing, though, bafflingly enough, EA managed to post similar numbers too. Guess the allure of Mass Effect must have been high for most people.

Of course, it is to be remembered that while Twitch was one way to watch E3, it was still just one way: all three console manufacturers, for instance, allowed the conferences to be livestreamed on their current home consoles, and set up dedicated E3 portals, where you could watch the show. These numbers, then, might give us something close to the true picture, but they might not necessarily give us the true picture itself.

MicrosoftXbox One