Ubisoft’s For Honor Features Awesome Samurai Warriors

For Gondor! For Honor!

Ubisoft’s segment at Sony’s TGS conference wasn’t a total bust- though they did end up making a cynical announcement of new DLC for an unreleased game, they did first show off a pretty cool looking new IP that also looked like it would be suitable for the Japanese and western market. I am talking of their game For Honor, which was debuted at E3 originally, and which got new footage shown off at TGS.

The new footage highlighted the awesome Samurai warriors, and it showed off how Ubisoft may actually make a game that will be different from their assembly line mould, and as fresh as Assassin’s Creed once was, for a change.

“Our vision with Sanctuary is to create a game that ignites the same emotions that a warrior would feel on a real battlefield,” said Creative Director Jason Vandenberghe. “The tension of face-to-face encounters with deadly enemies, the adrenaline of charging alongside your army against the opposition, the danger of a chaotic battle when you don’t know where the next strike will come from.

“It’s a game that celebrates the art of sword-fighting and the legacy of the legendary warriors from those great legacies, the knights, the Vikings and the samurai that we brought together in one single experience.”

For Honor will launch on PS4, Xbox One and PC in 2016.

For Honorpcps4tgs 2015UbisoftXbox One