Uncharted 4 Director Reveals Cut Sequences: Cooking, Snowball Fight, Fetch and More

Neil Druckmann reveals things that didn't make it into the final game.

Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is a big game for a third person action adventure and it’s full of lots of attention to details throughout the experience. That only makes you wonder – what did the developer cut from the final release?

According to co-director Neil Druckmann while speaking to Rolling Stone, there was quite a bit.

NOTE: Spoilers ahead.

For instance, there was a cooking sequence where players could mix ingredients and create food that was too spicy which would illicit different dialogue. Then there was a sequence in prison where Nate would walk around asking about Sam.

In the Scotland level, you could even engage in a snowball fight with Sam who would throw snowballs back. In the epilogue as well, it would have been possible to play fetch with Nate’s dog – which would actually pick up the ball and bring it to you – but it was cut because the “animation looked kind of janky.”

Other aspects include shootable handholds, surfaces that could be shot to create holes which would facilitate climbing; the opening boat sequence not actually being the opening until late in production (and featuring much more swimming); and the scene with the kids in the manor featuring a pretend sword fight, much like the boss fight at the end.

What are your thoughts on all the intriguing sequences cut from Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End ? Let us know in the comments below.

Naughty Dogps4sonyUncharted 4: A Thief's End