Unity Engine Xbox One X Support Added

The world's two most popular engines now both support Microsoft's superpowered console natively.

Hot on the heels of last week’s announcement of Unreal Engine 4 supporting the Xbox One X natively (albeit provisionally for now), Unity, the most popular game engine in the world, announced today that it has added Xbox one X support to the engine as well, to take advantage of the console’s boosted hardware, and 4K ad HDR capabilities.

This means that developers using Unity should now be able to access the Xbox One X’s enhancements more easily via software. This is, in the end, good news for all of us, because a lot of games, including most games by independent developers, are made using Unity- so now, a wider pool of games stands to be Xbox One X enhanced.

No separate license for Xbox One X support will be needed, and anyone who has an Xbox One dev kit and uses Unity should be able to access the Xbox One X support and enhancements automatically.

MicrosoftunityXbox Onexbox one x