Unreal Tournament New Video Takes Us Behind The Scenes On The Game’s Development

Check out the final episode in the series.

unreal tournament newunreal tournament new

The brand new Unreal Tournament game, which is coming on PC, just got a new video from Epic Games, which takes us behind the scenes and shows us the development of the Titan Pass Capture the Flag level. The video is the final episode in a five part series that took a look at the development of the game.

In this making-of video, Epic’s developers show how a rough sketch for CTF-Outside became the fully realized and playable Titan Pass level. It’s actually cool to see what goes into the development of a balanced map for an arena multiplayer shooter (especially since it’s been a very long time since we last had a good multiplayer arena shooter).

You can check out the final episode, in three parts, below, and let us know what you think in the comments section. To follow along with the Unreal Tournament Pre-Alpha Season, visit unrealtournament.com.

Epic GamespcUnreal Tournament