Unsure About Buying PS4 Or Xbox One? Microsoft Exec Has The Answer

PUBG is the difference.

If you’re confused about which system you should buy between the PS4 or the Xbox One, Microsoft executive Aaron Greenberg has the answer for you- though it probably won’t surprise you. A Microsoft executive telling you to buy the Xbox One over the PS4 is hardly the most shocking thing in the world.

A user on Twitter recently posted about how they were debating on what to buy between the two consoles, and Greenberg chimed in to offer his own two cents, saying that “if it helps”, the only console one can play PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds on is, of course, the Xbox One (PC, of course, isn’t counted as a “console”).

PUBG is currently in early access on the Xbox One through the Games Preview program. The game’s had its full release on PC, though, and you can read our full review for it here. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more updates.

Microsoftplayerunknown's batlegroundsps4Xbox One