Valve might start developing for PS3

We all know Valve stopped developing games for the Playstation 3, for the simple reason of it being “hard to develop for”.

Valve’s Doug Lombardi at the Left 4 Dead 2 event in London said that they are “up on the idea” of developing for PS3 again, all they want is a team of good PS3 coders, and if that happens then all you PS3 owners can get excited cause Valve’s next game might be on the PS3.

Doug Lombardi stated that “we have to get people under our roof who are dedicated, talented PS3 guys and then all bets are off. We can take the same sort of strides and get the quality out of the box and offer the same support post-launch on that platform, as well.”

Hopefully Valve can finally start doing it right on the PS3 and finally give us some of their great titles!
