Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Features Multiple Endings With Unpredictable Consequences

The RPG promises lots of choices and consequences.

The sequel to cult classic RPG, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, is set to come out early next year. We’ve seen a decent amount from the game, and the publisher and developer have teased out the various clans you’ll be able to join to give you flavor of the game’s bloody world. It’s one you will have to navigate, but not everything will be straightforward, either, as the game has major choices and multiple endings that you can build toward.

In an interview with Gamereactor, Narrative Designer Cara Ellison and Narrative Lead Brian Mitsoda talked about the game’s story, particularly the choices you have. They confirmed that the game will have multiple endings, but also that it will have a major choice system as well, where consequences aren’t as obvious as they seem, which you will just have to see play out for yourself.

Said Ellison: “We try to make it so it’s quite organic and realistic, so you’re not really sure what the outcome’s gonna be often when you choose them, you’re just choosing what you think is best at the time and then seeing that play out in front of you… There are multiple endings for the game, usually every playthrough, I think, is going to be different.”

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 will release in 2020 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. To get a feel for the game’s world and narrative, check out our interview with Paradox Interactive’s Florian Schwarzer.

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