Virtual Reality an Interesting Area, “Especially for Games” – Phil Spencer

Xbox division boss talks about the potential of virtual reality and the journey thus far.

You wouldn’t think that VR technology would become so big a year ago. But with Sony recently introducing Project Morpheus and Facebook buying Oculus Rift, there’s obviously a huge ground well of support for making VR a reality to the masses.

What has Microsoft’s stance been on the same? The company that pioneered motion/sound control without an external controller via Kinect isn’t really venturing into VR (at least not officially) but there is a lot of interest on the gaming side. Xbox division boss Phil Spencer stated as much to Fortune: “Virtual reality is a really interesting area, especially for games, and while it seems like it’s been ‘just over the horizon’ for the last 20 years or so, I think we could finally start seeing it prove out soon for both gamers and developers.”

Where will it go in the coming year? We’ll find out post E3 when more details emerge.

MicrosoftOculus RiftOculus VRPhil SpencerProject Morpheus