Vita will be supported for 10 years – Sony

Noble thinking.

The PS Vita may be going through a rough time sales-wise worldwide, but Sony has said that they intend to support it for 10 years. That 10 year plan rises again, and just like the PS2 and PS3, Vita will stay on the market too.

I don’t know how retailers will tolerate Vita’s current predicament right now, but Sony has got to do something about that soon otherwise, without any shelf space, staying on the market makes no sense.

“We’re in year one, so we’ll be supporting it for some time. But yeah, it does have its own 10-year life cycle. All of our platforms do… it’s a marathon, not a sprint. We expect long-term success from all our platforms,” Sony’s Jon Koller told IGN.

The PS3 is currently 6 years old and the PS2 has surpassed 10 years, but that was expected since it’s a legendary console with incredible games. Will Vita sell as much as the PSP did? Only time will tell. At this rate even 20 million seems unlikely compared to PSP’s 70 million.

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