War Thunder Developer: “Average PC Won’t be as Powerful as PS4 in Near Future”

Features like head tracking and native social features make the difference.

Speaking to PlayStation Lifestyle, CEO of War Thunder developer Gaijin Entertainment, namely Anton Yudintsev talked about the PS4 version of the MMO will excel when matched against the PC version.

“Because of the PS4′s features, we are going to be able to develop a lot of really cool features that are not currently presented in our PC version which is in open beta. These features will be ready for PS4 players right from the start.”

He also stated that, “I don’t think that average PC will be as powerful in the near future.” Features like “head tracking, native social features (like streaming) and some other fancy stuff mark the difference between the PS4 and PC versions.”

Strong words for sure, especially when companies like Nvidia are proclaiming the next generation of consoles – particularly the more powerful PlayStation 4 – to be outdated on arrival compared to the latest PCs. Nonetheless, Yudintsev did say “average” and we doubt most average PCs are capable of the kind of graphics, let alone 1080p gameplay as the PS4.

Gaijin EntertainmentMMOpcps4sonyWar Thunder