About month ago, Sony announced that the servers for several of its games, including Warhawk, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, and Twisted Metal would be going offline on October 25. For the likes of PS All-Stars and Twisted Metal, that’s a blow, but their campaigns can still be played offline. For something like Warhawk, however, which is entirely an online experience, that renders the entire game unplayable.
However, they now seem to have silently pushed back the date for the shutdown of these servers, as well as for Sound Shapes, which was also due to get its servers shut down, by 90 days. Servers for all four of these games will now be shut down on January 31, 2019.
Sony has sent out an email that notifies players of the same (via Reddit). Meanwhile, the PS Store pages for Twisted Metal, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Warhawk, and Sound Shapes have also been updated to reflect this change, and all mention that their multiplayer and online features will become unavailable on January 31, 2019.
Following that date, Sound Shapes, PS All-Stars, and Twisted Metal’s single player components, local co-op, and splitscreen will still be playable, but their online functionality will become unavailable. Warhawk will be unplayable entirely, unless your PS3 is set to LAN mode for local network play, of course.