Watch 18 Minutes Of Footage From Watch Dogs 2’s Reveal Here

It looks a lot more colorful than the first game.

To no one’s surprise (especially given that Ubisoft had sort of told us this beforehand), Watch Dogs 2 was confirmed today. Also to no one’s surprise (because this had been leaked yesterday, not by Ubisoft), it is set in San Francisco. Also to no one’s surprise (because Ubisoft had indicated as much during a financial earnings call earlier in the year), it will be launching later this year- on November 15, 2016, in fact.

We learned all of this during the game’s reveal- and what about the game itself? It’s hard to tell right now- it feels tonally better, and everything we are seeing makes it seem as though the concepts and mechanics are all a whole lot more fleshed out this time around than they were in the original game. In general, it seems to be promising enough that it may not hurt to be at least cautiously excited- although one might be well advised to remember just what a disappointment the original Watch Dogs was, too.

You can check out the announcement of the game, all 18 minutes of it, for yourself below. Watch Dogs 2 is set to launch on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 15. We expect to see more of it at E3 this year.

e3 2016pcps4UbisoftWatch Dogs 2Xbox One