Halo 5: Guardians Receives New Gameplay Footage For Arena And Campaign

Both singleplayer and multiplayer.

Halo 5 GuardiansHalo 5 Guardians

Microsoft’s Halo 5: Guardians is slowly winning me over in spite of my incredible skepticism about the game, and that’s in large part due to what has been shown of the game. With an incredible focus on balanced play (deriving from the eSports crowd that Microsoft and 343 are trying to cater to), as well as brand new modes, a single player campaign that seems to be expanding theHalo universe, and a style of play that seems to be something new for the franchise entirely, it seems Halo 5 may finally be a return to form for the series.

If you needed any more convincing, however, here’s some more footage for you- luckily, we get two videos here, and they focus on the singleplayer campaign, as well as the multiplayer arena mode. Watch them both, and tell us what you think in the comments section below!

Halo 5: Guardians launches this October exclusively for the Xbox One.

343 industriesHalo 5: GuardiansMicrosoftXbox One