What is Destiny? Here’s a massive information blowout

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Bungie’s Destiny is a multiplatform game. Yes, it will release on the PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2013. Here’s another piece of info: It’s actually going to be released on the next-gen platforms as well, and by that I mean on Microsoft and Sony’s respective consoles.

They have not mentioned anything about the PC and Wii U version, but I suspect, they are not in the works. The great thing about the game is its art design. Go on take a look at it below the article, doesn’t that look great?

The game will have an always online internet connection. Well what do you expect from an MMO? The game will not feature any subscription fee, and is an FPS that will provide a lot of visceral combat.

There will be three classes at launch at least, and those three classes are: Hunter (Sniper), Warlock (Magic), Titan (Assault class). Magic as you can see in one of the artworks below isn’t described properly so we don’t have much information on it.

The Earth and Moon are visitable locations, and in the ViDoc, you can see a Bungie employee texting a friend and telling him/her about his adventures in a specific locations.

There will also be something called the space zombies in the game, which you can see in the artwork, yes, the same one which shows the magic. The game is expected to be released in 2013, but a Bungie employee has mentioned that it shouldn’t be taken as a fact since there’s a lot of work left.

Geoff Keighley, a veteran games journalist on Twitter, has said that he would be surprised if the game comes out in 2013.

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