WILD HEARTS Guide – The Best Weapons And How To Get Them

A complete guide on the best weapons in WILD HEARTS.
WILD HEARTS - Golden TempestWILD HEARTS - Golden Tempest

In hack and slash games, performing impressive combos with a variety of weapons can make the gameplay experience more enjoyable. WILD HEARTS features eight weapons, each with a distinct playstyle that enhances the combat and maneuverability in the game.

By practicing and mastering a weapon, you can become a skilled enemy slayer, no matter the difficulty level. This guide evaluates the weapons based on their overall damage per second (DPS). Let’s get started!

WILD HEARTS – Weapon Tier List

NameRangeDamage TypeAvailability
Maul (Tier S)ClosePummelAvailable Immediately
Bow (Tier S)LongLungeAvailable Immediately
Karakuri Staff (Tier A)MidVariousUnclocked from Chapter 2
Balded Wagasa (Tier A)CloseLungeAvailable Immediately
Nodachi (Tier A)CloseSlashAvailable Immediately
Cannon (Tier B)LongExplosiveUnclocked from Chapter 2
Karakuri Katana (Tier B)CloseSlashAvailable Immediately
Claw Blades (Tier B)MidPierceUnclocked from Chapter 2

How to unlock Weapons in WILD HEARTS

Five out of the eight weapons in the game (Karakuri katana, Nodachi, Bow, Maul, Bladed Wagasa) are available for crafting from the beginning of the story. The other three weapons (Hand Cannon, Claw Blade, Karakuri Staff) become available for crafting at the start of Chapter 2, after defeating the Earthshaker.

How to Upgrade Weapons in WILD HEARTS

To upgrade and craft new weapons, you need to build the Field Forge in WILD HEARTS.

The Field Forge is unlocked after defeating the Ragetail in Chapter 1.

After building the Field Forge, you can upgrade and create new weapons without having to return to the hub town of Minato.

What is the Best Weapon in WILD HEARTS

Easy Tier:

The Nodachi, Maul, Bow, and Karakuri Katana are simple weapons that offer a wide range of attacks, specially when combined with the Spring and Crate Karakuri. The Cannon is similar to the Bow in terms of ease of use, but it requires building up a meter to launch devastating attacks. It is not as easy to use as the above-mentioned weapons, but if you like dealing heavy damage, then the Cannon is a perfect choice.

Medium Tier:

The Bladed Wagasa is a weapon that requires parrying enemy attacks to build up its special meter. It takes time to master this weapon as you need to memorize enemy attack patterns to parry them. The Karakuri Staff is a versatile weapon that can transform itself based on your combo. The combos are relatively easy to execute, making it a great choice for players who are unsure which weapon to use and want a bit of everything.

Hard Tier:

The Claw Blades are the final weapons on the list. They can deal over 300 damage to your target. The only drawback is that they are difficult to control when lunging at Kemono. If you’re someone who enjoys the thrill of high-speed attacks, then the Claw Blades are the perfect choice for you.

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