Will Fallout 4 be a Direct Sequel to Fallout 3?

Would you like a direct continuation of the previous game's story or a new adventure?

We’ve alternated between hope and despair when it comes to Fallout 4 related announcements. A recent website seemingly teasing the game’s release – TheSurvivor2099 – turned out to be false. Any indications of trademark in Europe remain just that – indications, with no real announcement to accompany them. Regardless, that doesn’t stop us from speculating on the game’s release.

For instance, what if the game was a direct continuation of Fallout 3? What if it directly took place after the events of Bethesda’s breakout, post apocalyptic RPG? Naturally, there have been demands to shift the game to a whole new setting or even a new city. Would it give veterans a better sense of investment? It would certainly increase interest in Fallout 3. If the Mass Effect series has proved anything, a stellar sequel can often increase interest in past games.

What are your thoughts on the same? Do you think Fallout 4 should be a brand new story or continue on from Fallout 3? Let us know your thoughts below.

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