World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic Supposedly Launching on June 1

Advertisements on the launcher may have given away the expansion's release date.

World of Warcraft Classic is an excellent way for fans of Blizzard’s perennially successful MMORPG to go back to the good old days and experience the game through a window looking back in time. When it first launched, it let players jump into the game as it existed back when it first came around, and soon, Blizzard will be adding to it by giving the Classic treatment to the MMO’s first expansion, Burning Crusade as well.

It’s been confirmed for some time that Burning Crusade Classic is going to launch in 2021, but though an exact release date is yet to be announced, it seems Blizzard may have spilled the beans themselves earlier than they were supposed to (much like they did with the Classic expansion’s announcement as well). Multiple advertisements recently went live on the launcher stating that Burning Crusade Classic would be launching on June 1. Though the advertisements have since been taken down, several of them have been uploaded over on Reddit (via Wowhead).

It’s likely that an official announcement is not far away, so stay tuned, and we’ll keep you updated on any new details that come out way.

BlizzardpcWorld of Warcraft Classicworld of warcraft: burning crusade classic