Xbox 720: “Microsoft’s Problem is Roku and AppleTV, Not Sony and Nintendo”

Microsoft isn't too concerned about the market for hardcore gamers.

Technology blogger Paul Thurrott had his fair share of things to say on the “What the Tech” podcast he appeared on recently, including how Microsoft looks at the current competition ahead of the Xbox 720’s reveal and launch.

“I’ve actually heard from, by the way not one or two people, several people who’ve said, ‘based on what I’ve seen, Sony is going to blow them away.’ Based on what you’ve seen? You’ve seen nothing. What are you talking about? No, but you’ve seen literally nothing from Microsoft.”

And given how this wouldn’t necessarily mean all Xbox fans jumping aboard the PS4, Thurrott stated that Microsoft’s problem “has nothing to do with Sony or Nintendo anymore, it’s Roku and AppleTV.

“The market for hardcore video games, the market of people will always buy the next Gears of War game, the next Halo game, the next Call of Duty game, it’s fairly finite. It’s a decent market, yada yada yada, it’s not the market for tablets, it’s not the market for smartphones.”

Thurrott has claimed that the Next Xbox will be revealed on May 21st and released in early November this year.

AppleTVindustryMicrosoftnext xboxps4Rokusonyxbox 720