Xbox Executive Aaron Greenberg Wants Diversity In The Console’s Lineup

He also states that he is confident about Microsoft's first party lineup for the next twelve months.

Lack of depth in the games lineup- this is the biggest problem the Xbox has had for a while, now. Microsoft pushes first party games in three broad categories- first person shooters, third person shooters, and racers. If you are looking for anything else, they can often come up short.

However, that is something that Xbox’s Aaron Greenberg wants to see change- he wants to see the console’s lineup have more diversity, he admitted in an interview with DualShockers. And while he didn’t go into many specifics beyond that, he did say that he was confident about the first party lineup coming to the Xbox One over the next twelve months, noting especially that he is excited at what 343 Industries and The Coalition are doing, and bringing up, yet again, the question of how early Microsoft should announce its games.

Greenberg said that Microsoft recognizes that it’s not about every game selling millions of units- sometimes, having a diverse lineup for players is utility enough for an individual game’s existence.

Microsoft is saying all the right things of late, and I want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but this is all stuff I have heard them say before. Actions, not words, are what will convince me at this point- and I am sure this is true of many others, too.

MicrosoftXbox One