Xbox Game Gifting Will Be Available To Insiders Later Today

Presumably coming to others shortly thereafter.

Microsoft announced and confirmed that they will be bringing gifting of digital games (similar to how Steam has it, or iTunes, or how the Wii had it ten years ago, but no Nintendo system ever since has had it for some asinine reason) to the Xbox One- and now, the feature will be available to Insiders later today, with a wider rollout of it presumably following shortly thereafter.

This means that if, for instance, you see a great game on sale, you can now buy it for your friend or family member- you can make digital game purchases for other accounts, too. It is currently unclear whether or not this gifting also applies to store credit, services like EA Access or Xbox Game Pass, or subscriptions- but even if it is just games and DLC, it is more than either the PS4 or Switch.

It should definitely be something that is appreciated going into the Holiday season, at the very least.

MicrosoftXbox LiveXbox One