Xbox One Exclusive ReCore Gets New Lead Writer In Halo’s Joseph Staten

Joseph Staten is an ex-Halo/Bungie writer who was just brought onto the ReCore team.

While we’re likely going to have to wait a little longer until we get our hands on more information about what the game ReCore has to offer, we at least have a little information about who is working on the development team. During a recent feature article on ReCore and how there are some more female heroes being brought into the video game world, there was a piece of information buried that wasn’t yet known to the general public.

The New York Times reports that Joseph Staten has recently been brought on board as the lead writer. While this isn’t the biggest piece of information that you could ever picture, it does show the company that is working on this game is taking the story plenty seriously. Even those who weren’t fans of the some of the Halo iterations can all agree that the story behind those games is plenty good.

It certainly seems like the main plot will give Staten and the rest of the development team plenty to work with. The main character, Joule believes she is the last human left alive on the desert world. Joule wanders the ruins and wreckage, enlisting robots to help her revive the human race. Just how the character goes about doing that will now be up to Staten to figure out. ReCore does not have an official release date but it is expected to launch for the Xbox One in 2016.

Armature StudiosComceptMicrosoftRecoreXbox One